Sunday, 9 September 2012

Strawberry Picking

There's something cute about strawberries, I don't love them as much as my sister but when you're in a field full of strawberries they're just so fun to pick and look at and they smell so delicious as well! So on our trip back from the Eumundi Markets we stopped by Strawberry Field which is across from the Ettamogah Pub.  (I think in summer they say you can pick your own watermelon?! How awesome is that?!)

There's no entry fee, you just pay for what you pick, I think we ended up with 6 punnets and it cost around $70. Not cheap, I know, but if you think about it, you get to pick all the big yummy juicy ones AND you're guaranteed that all the strawberries in your punnets will be good. Not like when you buy a whole bunch from the supermarkets and some turn out squished. Still yum though :P

I had heaps of fun looking out of weird mutated ones.

This was the mother of all mutated ones! Unfortunately I didn't find it, it was in the shop and they said it was found that morning, It's like 6 strawberries merged into ONE MEGA STRAWBERRY!!

We finished the day by having some of the strawberries we picked and this delicious strawberry parfait. Ah the combination of strawberries and vanilla ice cream is the best!!

What's your favourite strawberry combination?

Hope everyone is enjoying the warmer spring weather!

Joanne :)


  1. Yes! Strawberries and almost anything creamy works. Strawberries + cream, strawberries + vanilla ice cream, strawberries in CHOCOLATE... OH, and I love strawberries with yoghurt (and muesli).

    1. Have you ever tried strawberries with condensed milk? It's pretty awesome :D

    2. No, but I'm convinced I would like it!
